咲くようにひらく 花のサンキューカード〈レッド-ローズ〉Blooming flower pop-up message card | バースデーカード・ポップアップカード専門店 PAPER & ARTS
¥2,400 税込
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
メッセージを添えたカードを花びらの間にはさんで、まるで生花のようなボリュームのある立体的なフラワーカードを 贈ることができます。
(写真のThank Youの文字はイメージです。 商品に文字は入っていません。 商品は無地のメッセージカードを挟んだ状態で お届けします)
◆素材/紙(アラベール:繊細な優しい手触りの紙です) ※封筒はコットンペーパー
By inserting a card with a message between the petals, you can send a three-dimensional flower greeting card to a dear person, which is just as voluminous as a fresh flower.
About 50 paper parts are combined by hand without using adhesives to create paper flowers that seem to be spilling over in full bloom.
The size of the attached message card is 6.5 cm (length) x 6.5 cm (width) when closed and 13 cm (width) x 6.5 cm (height) when open, allowing you to write a message of about 20 characters per line x3 lines.
The handwork is so delicate that even the faint sound of the paper opening has been tended to. You can hear it when you take the card out of the envelope and open it.
You can put it in an envelope and hand it directly, or send it together with a gift. (Do not use the provided envelopes if depositing in a post box)
The words "Thank You" written on the sample photo are only a sample.
The product is left blank.
We will deliver the product with a plain message card inserted.
¥2,400 税込